Jan 3, 2008

Spotlight: Pirate Booty Baby

Other Hyena Cart WAHMs of Note...
Ever wish you could have a custom outfit, like the stars do? Well, now your baby can. Karma is a children's wear designer who is at home (with twins!) and doing outfits for the fabulous little ones among us. There are also the unique reversable overalls and underwool garments to keep cloth diapered babies dry. The very cool-looking website is Pirate Booty Baby and there is a Blog too. Check out these photos of her work:

As it so happens, Pirate Booty Baby is located very near me, in the next community over, but we've never met IRL. It's a small world on the net.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the nice words:)
    I had no idea we were so close!
