It's really cool when something comes out just like I imagined it in my head. Here's a quick shot of how the Beetle tie-dyes came out:
I did the traditional spiral in lemon & lime, with the car at the center. The shirt background is pale yellow (not white as it may appear). The colors are somewhat muted so the dyed spiral wouldn't overwhelm and take the focus off the smiley little car. Here's a close up:
I did the car as a patch and then stitched around the edge for extra security. It won't come off in the wash but I started to worry a toddler might pick at it. I also garment-dyed a few long-sleeve shirts in pale lemon yellow for those who might prefer a solid color shirt with the car patch in the center.
I owe a HUGE thank-you to Kristy M. for suggesting this design idea. I'm really loving it!! You rock, Kristy!
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