Jul 7, 2010

Please help choose prints

I've found some prints that might make good diapers, and I want to know what you think! Sure, I know what I like, but there's no guarantee anyone else would agree with me.

There are two collections - boy prints and girl prints.
[Edited: polls now closed. Thanks to everyone who participated]

Now, in case you were wondering why there are no pictures of robots and ooga boogas and other kid-type prints: there is no retail source for suitable children's prints. Sure, there are loads of little prints on cotton. But for diapers that will not wick, prints have to either be custom printed (which takes a while and which I already have on order elsewhere) or selected from general purpose sources (as are the ones here). It's these not-so-obviously children's prints that I need help choosing. Many of them make awesome diapers - tell me which ones!

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