Well, speaking of cutting print PUL carefully, as I mentioned last week, it doesn't always go as planned. Sometimes my brain gets the best of me.

I first noticed this back in kindergarten, where I had trouble with "left" and "right". My mind would just switch them on me. No one every talked to me about dyslexia in school, but over the years I've learned to double and triple check myself when balancing the checkbook or recording inventory.

Still, sometimes I mess up. Just recently I had to notify the same customer - on two occasions - that I had mis-stocked one of the items in her order and it was not actually available. Sigh. So embarrassing!

Back to the print PUL: Last week, I *meant* to cut 1 small, 3 medium, and 3 large from each of my prints. Somehow the inners and outers didn't match up when sewing...and I discovered that I cut
2 medium and
4 large from each print. I wish I understood just how that happens in my head. I went back and cut the matching inners, and that's what we've got this week. If you're looking for large, great! Medium, better snag your print. Small, sorry about that.

Once, as a college student driving home, I could have sworn I took the westbound exit. I drove at least 45 minutes before I figured out I was heading east. It's amazing I've survived this far.
Oh...and if you've read this far, then you deserve to know that I'm offering a
large olive solo flyer free for shipping this week. Come on over and put your name in between noon Friday and noon Sunday.
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