Dec 15, 2010

It's been quite a year!

The Fishnoodles story has been all about change. I surely didn't start a cloth diaper business with everything figured out in advance! In fact, my intent was never to carry out a predetermined business plan. Instead I tried to listen to what mamas were asking for, and to move in those directions, learning from my customers how to best meet their needs. It seems this has worked out pretty well.

We're getting close to the end of 2010, and so much has happened this past year. When I think back to the start of the year, I was still sewing everything myself, just little ol' me!

The major firsts of 2010 -
  • talented seamstresses began sewing our diapers
  • we had our first custom diaper fabrics, binding, and snaps made for us
  • we branched out from Hyena Cart to open our own online store

Now we're moving on in even more new directions for 2011, growing from one online store to two!
These are:
Bright Star Baby - blog - facebook - for trim fitting bamboo cloth diapers and diaper covers
Diaper Sewing Supplies - blog - facebook - for all sorts of cloth diaper fabrics and specialty notions

I hope that you find these developments exciting and will continue to journey along with me at the place that best meets your needs, whether for diapers or for sewing supplies.

Dec 4, 2010

If you want to know why...

...Fishnoodles is now Bright Star Baby, the story is here:

Please join us at Bright Star if you haven't already. Even though the only thing that has changed is the name, spam prevention rules do not permit me to move email subscribers to the new list. You have to add yourself and we sure hope you will!

We are also on Facebook at We are having a giveaway - each time we hit 100 additional "Likes" everyone is automatically entered into a drawing for a gift certificate. And the amounts keep going up!

So come on over, and you'll be first to know when the new diapers are released!

Fishnoodles on TV

One of our customers, Juliane Wylie, wrote into her local news station and got cloth diapers featured as a news story! Rock on Juliane! If you know her, be sure and give her some cyber kudos.

We were thrilled to see our Fishnoodles diapers on TV! In the first shot Juliane's baby is wearing a Nantucket plaid, and in the last shot a Turtle Friends Solo Flyer.

Now, the pediatrican in the story didn't think there are any health benefits to cloth, but over all it was a positive story, or at least "balanced." Unfortunately there is no place to leave comments, but maybe some parents will see the story and give cloth diapers a try.